Emotional Intelligence and Self-efficacy as Determinant of Job Performance of Library Staff in LAUTHECH, Ogbomoso
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This study investigated emotional intelligence and self-efficacy as determinant of job performance of library staff in LAUTECH, Ogbomoso. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and a sample of 54 was selected using total enumeration sampling technique. A self-developed questionnaire tagged “Emotional Intelligence and Self-efficacy as Determinant of Job Performance of Library Staff’ Scale” was used to collect data from the respondents. Out of 54 copies of the questionnaire administered, 53 copies were completely filled and returned giving 98.2% response rate. Data collected for the four research questions were analysed using frequency counts and percentages while PPMC and multiple regression were used to test the three null hypotheses of the study. The study found that the level of job performance of the respondents is high. The study also found that the level of emotional intelligence of the respondents is high and majority of them hold positive opinion about themselves. The study further revealed that inadequate provision of basic needs for the work; poor conducive work environment; and power failure are some of the barriers to the effective job performance of library staff. The study also established that the combination of emotional intelligence and self-efficacy had influence on the job performance of the respondents. The study recommends that library management should take measures to enhance the emotional intelligence and self-efficacy level of library staff. This can be done by giving expertise training in emotional intelligence and self-efficacy.
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