Information Retrieval Skills as Determinant of the Use of Open Access Resources by Postgraduate Students in Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
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The study examined information retrieval skills as determinant of use of open access resources by postgraduate students in Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study and the population of the study comprised all postgraduate students (Ph.D) in the seven departments in Faculty of Education. Purposive sampling technique was employed using a sample percentage of 60% to give a sample size of 210. Questionnaire was the instrument used in the collection of data and data were analysed using simple percentage and correlation. Results revealed that the information retrieval skill of the postgraduate students was moderate 2.9). Library catalogue (OPAC) (38.6%), e-journal (16.2%), e-book (36.2%), online databases (33.8%) theses and dissertations (29.0%) were used on a daily basis by the postgraduate students. Erratic power supply, poor internet connection, ignorant of OARs online facilities and inadequate browsing skill were the major challenges encountered in the use of OARs.Results further revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between information retrieval skills and use of open access resources (r = 0.316**;p <0.05). The study among others recommends that internet bandwidth should also be upgraded to enhance accessibility and eliminate the frustration being experienced when surfing the Internet for academic materials in open access resources.
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