Online Information Searching and Evaluation Skills of Postgraduate Students of Library and Information Science in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
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Online resources are being added to supplement collections, replace printed (paper) items, or improve access. For print sources, quality control is sought through critical evaluation during the publication process. However, on the web, anyone with access to the Internet can publish. There is no overriding organisation or governing body ensuring the validity of web page content. A good deal of high-quality information on the web is certain, but there is also much that is of questionable quality. Therefore, the study which is titled Online Information Searching and Evaluation Skills of Postgraduate Students of Library and Information Science in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, an empirical study which is aimed at establishing the level of online information searching skills of postgraduate students in MOUAU, ascertaining how postgraduate students acquire online information searching and evaluation skills and identify the challenges hindering postgraduate students from acquiring online information searching. The research design employed for the study is a descriptive survey. 24 postgraduate students of the College of Education MOUAU, formed the population of the study and all the 24 was drawn as sample for the study. The result of the data analysis was interpreted using frequency counts of percentages and mean score. This research work found out that postgraduate students in MOUAU possess moderate level of online information searching skills and they mostly acquire their online information searching and evaluation skills through self-practice and from friends or colleagues. Lack of integration of ICT in academic curriculum, material and human factors, inadequate ICT facilities, are some of the challenges hindering the acquisition of online information searching and evaluation skills. This research work recommends that Information Literacy should be made a pre-requisite course in Schools of Postgraduate studies in Nigeria and also the University management should ensure that there is ubiquitous network in the universities, as this would aid in delivering courses that are offered online.
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