Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Information Service Delivery in Federal University Libraries in South-South and South-East, Nigeria.
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This study looked at Platform as a Service and information service delivery in South-South and South-East federal university libraries in Nigeria. To direct the study, one research question was created, and one hypothesis was tested at .05 level of significance. For the study, a descriptive survey design was used, and 117 employees of the institutions under study's who work in the electronic library made up the study's population. Therefore, the study used a census sample method. Data for the study were gathered using a standardised questionnaire called the "Platform as a Service and Information Service Delivery Questionnaire (PSISD)". The data were examined using frequency distribution, percentages, and linear regression. According to the research, Open skies, Serial Solution (ProQuest), Future of Library is Open (FOLIO), Alma/Ex Libris, Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC), Polaris integrated library system, and Ebsco are among the Platform as a Service (PaaS) used in university libraries in South-South and South-East, Nigeria for the delivery of information services. University libraries in South-South and South-East, Nigeria are able to give fast and real-time information services because to the deployment of Platform as a Service. The writers derived and examined the majority of the study's findings and outcomes. This study is unique in the field of cloud computing. As a result, the document will potentially be used as a reference source by library administration, library patrons, researchers, and the wider academic community.
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